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Montag, 14. Oktober 2019

Capitalism as the Age of Psychopathy

The American psychoanalyst Michael Eigen about living in an age of psychopathy: 
„ thing that psychopathy means is not having guilt over inflicting pain or hurting others. It means not feeling that we shouldn´t do something because it might cause a lot of damage and make people unhappy. Psychopaths do something because they want to win; or they want to solidify their position on top so that the other person loses. In that scenario, inflicting pain or damage becomes part of winning – a victorious, ambitious push to the top. So the psychopath is someone who doesn´t suffer if the other person suffers. (...)´s a human thing. But it´s exaggerated in our capitalistic system in which democracy has degenerated into the pursuit of money and the way money has become elevated over the importance of feelings. It doesn´t matter what you feel, in other words, as long as you make money.“ Quoted from an interview with Michael Eigen in: Dialogues with Michael Eigen. Psyche Singing, p. 57ff.

This is in my view a very profound analysis of what is happening in our western world right now. What is the relation to art? Well, art is one of the last realms where humans insist on feeling, with oneself and with others. Artist are able to show that being human is not the same as being homo economicus.
But of course artists are at the same time part of this age of psychopathy and they are infected by this system to a certain degree, too. But artist might be able to become aware of it and face the situation. And maybe bring it into an artistic form?

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